
getting ready for the big show...

So several of the handmadeVA ladies have the privilege of participating in the Virginia Beach Christmas Market at the convention center this year, as part of the 7 Cities Crafter's booth. It happens Thanksgiving weekend, November 26-28th (so bring all those out-of-town guests!). (Click the image above for more info.)
That means we all have a ton of work to do! Besides making sure the shop is stocked for a busy shopping weekend, we've got have plenty of inventory for this huge 3 day show. I've been finger-knitting away on some mini-scarf necklaces, and I know the other girls are getting busy, too. So excited!
And, by the way, we got tons of comments at the Spring show that 7 Cities had the best booth in the whole place...pretty sure we'll do it again for this one! :)


  1. I'm stoked! I've got a bunch of wine suits in production today, been shooting some new old stuff for prints and coasters and working on a new line of headbands/cocktail hats! Oh dear. That's a lot of projects. No wonder I'm sick!

  2. haha, don't work yourself sick, kristen! can't wait to see all the lovely little wine suits. :)
